
A woman, aged 55, assaults authorities who are on duty.

A 55-year-old woman in a heavily intoxicated and disoriented state was found on the sidewalk of Luxemburgerstraße/traffic circle Müsgesauel in Schleiden on May 19, 2024, at approximately 21:35 hours.

May 20, 2024
1 min read
NewsPoliceViolenceCrimeRegionalNorth Rhine-WestphaliaKI-OTS
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Schleiden: Alteration of the Original Text - A woman, aged 55, assaults authorities who are on duty.

As officers drew near, the woman appeared confused about where she was and when it was. Her blood alcohol level, revealed by a voluntary breath test, was just below 1.6 per mille. Upon requesting her ID, the woman became hostile and hit an officer in the shoulder.

To keep her under control, the officers handcuffed her, something she fiercely objected to and even managed to kick another officer in the process. She continued to lash out, using her fists and insults on the officers. Back at the station, a blood sample was taken.

The woman was put under arrest to ensure her safety and criminal proceedings began. All the officers on the scene remained unharmed and unphased by her behavior.

This text is based on information provided by the authorities and was crafted with AI's assistance.

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