
A survey reveals that many people believe social cohesion is worsening.

Society's treatment of each other is lacking, based on a Forsa survey. A significant portion of Germans perceive a decline in this area.

May 2, 2024
2 min read
NewsDeteriorationHamburgSurveyForsaSocietyHealthLisa PausGermanyDAK
In a DAK study, the majority of respondents stated that they are currently experiencing an increase...
In a DAK study, the majority of respondents stated that they are currently experiencing an increase in insults and disrespect.


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Community Restructuring: A Fundamental Shift - A survey reveals that many people believe social cohesion is worsening.

Nearly three-quarters of Germans (78%) feel that social connections have declined over the past three years, a study by Forsa for health insurance company DAK-Gesundheit reveals.

Many individuals are reporting incidents of insults and disrespect. On the flip side, most believe better social cohesion can lead to better health, according to DAK.

The survey uncovered that people are also experiencing fewer positive interactions while shopping, at school or on the road. As for online social networks, 82% noted negative changes - an increase of seven points from the previous year.

Insults and Disrespect on the Rise

DAK found that 85% of the participants reported an increase in insults and disrespect - up from 76% the year before. This is accompanied by a growth in aggression (79%), selfishness (74%), intolerance, and exclusion (71%), and indifference (76%). Half of the respondents believe children and youths are the most impacted.

DAK and Federal Family Affairs Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) are launching the "Faces for Healthy Coexistence" competition this year. Paus serves as the competition patron, and DAK aims to find exemplary projects focused on health, prevention, and care. The goal is to inspire respect, tolerance, and a sense of community.

The competition operates nationwide in all 16 German states and receives support from several state premiers.

Healthy Living Together

Health encompasses more than just the absence of illness, clarifies Paus. "Health means physical, mental, and social well-being. It means prevention, care, support, the ability to participate, and much more." By living healthily together, we can help each other and prevent poverty from preventing people from receiving an education, participating, and accessing health services.

DAK CEO Andreas Storm views the survey's findings as a sign that change is necessary. "It's concerning when most people say that life in Germany has become worse," he says. "We need to take action as a society to combat this trend. We need people who actively promote healthy coexistence. Our competition rewards commitment to respectful interactions and a thriving community." Entries may be submitted through September 15.

Healthy living together involves supporting each other and preventing poverty from robbing individuals of educational, participatory, and health opportunities. DAK's "Faces of Healthy Coexistence" competition, supported by Federal Family Affairs Minister Lisa Paus (Greens), seeks to recognize exemplary projects in health, prevention, and care. The contest promotes respect, tolerance, and community spirit. The competition covers all 16 German states.

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Source: www.stern.de


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