German Federal States

A robber discharges a firearm and physically assaults a 30-year-old individual.

This morning, a 30-year-old man was hurt during a attempted serious robbery in the Friedrichshain district.

May 22, 2024
1 min read
NewsBerlin regional newsBerlinTheftCrimeKI-OTSViolencePolice
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Friedrichshain: a district in Berlin, Germany. - A robber discharges a firearm and physically assaults a 30-year-old individual.

A 30-year-old man and his two companions, aged 25 and 17, were at the entrance to Volkspark Friedrichshain on the corner of Friedenstraße and Weinstraße when they encountered a stranger with a long gun at about 5:50 am. The stranger demanded that they hand over their valuables, but the trio refused. To intimidate them, the stranger fired two shots in the air and hit the 30-year-old in the head with the shoulder piece of the gun. The attacker then escaped toward Höchste Straße.

The injured man was taken to the hospital for outpatient treatment of his head wound, while his companions remained unharmed. Police officers from section 51 in the area found the shoulder piece of the gun near the crime scene and confiscated it. Despite a swift investigation by the criminal investigation department of Directorate 5 (City), the suspect has not been caught.

This information is from the authorities, created using AI.

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