
A man discovers high-value luxury garments totaling $70,000 in a leasehold space.

Wade Venture (37) was astonished as he unlocked the shutter door of a storage locker he purchased at an auction for around 370 euros in Portland, Oregon. As he sorted through the accumulated cardboard boxes, he discovered the contents were worth 70,000 dollars (over 64,000 euros)!

May 16, 2024
2 min read
NewsGucciUSAPortlandOregonFashionDesk DeltaNews abroad
Wade Venture in front of his treasure chest: when he opened the door, he found tons of luxury...
Wade Venture in front of his treasure chest: when he opened the door, he found tons of luxury clothes


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A veritable treasure trove. - A man discovers high-value luxury garments totaling $70,000 in a leasehold space.

Venture, a seasoned buyer of storage containers, has made many "blind purchases" - he buys a unit without knowing what's inside. And this time was no different. But he had never come across a treasure like this before. Unbelievably, the last owner of the box left behind hundreds, if not thousands, of brand new designer clothes, all unused.

Venture was speechless when he spoke to American media. "Usually, you find household items or trash in these things. This is different," he said, visibly shocked. In the past, he would often donate the contents of his "treasure troves" to charity, as they were low-quality items. But this was a first for him, he said.

Wade discovered hundreds of shoes in the storage room

400+ pairs of shoes, fur coats, and designer labels

Among the finds: shoes from luxury labels such as Gucci

Among Venture's latest discoveries were more than 400 pairs of shoes (including many Gucci), fur coats, and accessories worth a small fortune. Many of the items still had their original price tags on them.

Wade shows one of the coats from his treasure trove

The lucky finder exclaimed, "I've never seen anything like this before! Normally I find things that are 30% new and 70% used, but this was all brand new." Since then, Venture has started selling the clothing items. He casually mentioned that he made around $1,500 (around 1,400 euros) from one of the coats alone.

The previous owner had also stored plenty of handbags in the room

Venture also has a theory about the previous owner of the storage unit. He explains, "It's most likely that she had a shopping addiction. There are rumors that she had to keep her shopping a secret from her husband."

Shoes, shoes, shoes! Wade has started to sell the goods

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