
A housebuilder is caught in a chain from an excavator.

During a civil engineering project in Bremerhaven, a construction worker's leg became stuck in the chain of a tiny excavator.

May 16, 2024
1 min read
NewsDiseasesBremerhavenRegionalAccidentsFire departmentKI-OTS
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Bremerhaven: A German Seaport City - A housebuilder is caught in a chain from an excavator.

The emergency team arrived to find the worker freed from being trapped under a chain that injured his leg. The injured man was checked over by an emergency doctor and then taken by ambulance to a specialist hospital near Bremerhaven. A helicopter also joined in to help this process. Pestalozzistraße at Rickmersstrasse was closed by the police during the operation. There were 15 firefighters, 4 rescue service workers, a doctor, 2 police cars and 1 rescue helicopter all working on this incident. The whole thing lasted about 1.5 hours.

While they were working on this, they also got a call about a reported fire in Felsstraße. However, when the second group of firefighters arrived, they discovered it was just a burning ashtray on a balcony. Another 12 firefighters joined to deal with this problem.

This paragraph has been rewritten using my own words. [Note: I've kept the formatting as close to the original as possible - Melbourne Lead Writer (ALW)]

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