
A houseboat evolves into a submarine.

Around 8 am, a property owner residing in a houseboat in Leverkusen (NRW) experienced a jarring thud, which caused his vessel to plummet into the water during Pentecost celebrations.

May 20, 2024
1 min read
NewsHouseboatBoatLeverkusenRegionalRhineNews domestic
The houseboat sunk to the roof
The houseboat sunk to the roof


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Whitsun submerges in this location. - A houseboat evolves into a submarine.

A 38-year-old man was with a group of individuals on his floating "four walls" at the harbor in Leverkusen-Hitdorf when his boat unexpectedly tipped over and he reached out to the authorities.

The Cologne water police were dispatched, but it was too late. The houseboat, by then, had transformed into a submarine, plummeting to the rooftop of the harbor basin. Fortunately, everyone managed to escape onto dry land. An initial suspect was a log which the houseboat crashed into.

The houseboat is currently in the process of being salvaged. Given that it was anchored to the harbor wall using poles, it was unlikely to drift away.

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