
A 92-year-old senior citizen was severely injured in a motorcycle crash.

In the Plänterwald neighborhood, a significant traffic incident happened yesterday morning, leaving a 92-year-old individual in critical condition.

May 18, 2024
1 min read
NewsBerlinAccidentsKI-OTSPoliceBerlin regional news
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Forest Park in Berlin: A Green Oasis in the City - A 92-year-old senior citizen was severely injured in a motorcycle crash.

It's been reported that a 63-year-old motorcyclist was cruising along Am Treptower Park toward Schöneweide around 11:30 in the morning. Out of nowhere, a 92-year-old man starts pushing his bike on the road through a hole in a hedge. The motorcyclist acted quickly, hitting their brakes but couldn't dodge the collision. While both men got hurt, the motorcyclist could leave the hospital after getting outpatient treatment. However, the elderly pedestrian had to stay and receive inpatient care for head injuries. The authorities are still conducting an investigation into what exactly happened, handing it over to a traffic offense-specific police department.

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