German Federal States

A 36-year-old man threatens a train staff member.

Onboard a regional train journey from Munich to Augsburg last Tuesday night (May 21st), a conductor experienced threats and verbal abuse. An argument between a 36-year-old man and his girlfriend triggered the need for the train's temporary stop in Mammendorf.

May 22, 2024
1 min read
NewsKI-OTSViolenceCrimeBavariaPoliceRegionalMunich regional news
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Mammendorf's Situation Explained - A 36-year-old man threatens a train staff member.

The Munich Federal Police got word of a foul-mouthed, intoxicated man causing a ruckus on train 87 (goAhead) between Munich and Augsburg around 8:30 PM. The train came to a halt at the Mammendorf station, allowing officers from PP Oberbayern Nord to board and arrest the man, his 36-year-old girlfriend, and the conductor.

It appears that the couple was loudly fighting on the train and eventually locked themselves in the bathroom. Upon conducting a ticket check, the conductor approached to inquire if everything was okay. The German man threatened and cursed the conductor, and to top it all off, he had his dog with him, which left a mess on the train. After using his sweater to clean up the mess, he raised his fist at the conductor and threatened to push it into his face.

Once federal police arrived, the situation subsided. Following necessary protocol, all those involved resumed their travels. The man is under investigation for threats and insults.

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