
A 31-year-old Bosnian was apprehended using a fake ID.

A Bosnian national was denied entry at Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport while going through immigration for a flight from Belgrade (Serbia).

May 23, 2024
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Karlsruhe Airport's Terminal Undergoes Remodeling - A 31-year-old Bosnian was apprehended using a fake ID.

The guy managed to produce a genuine Bosnian passport, but he'd already overstayed his welcome in the Schengen region. When his belongings were inspected, they found a fraudulent Kosovan ID card that was taken away.

The guy has some explaining to do about trying to sneak into a country without permission and forging official documents. He was turned away from Germany and had to hop on a plane to Serbia this morning.

The text provided is from official sources and used KI to create it.

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