
A 29-year-old man drives his vehicle into a tree after being intoxicated.

A man from Kassel, aged 29, was responsible for a car crash on Corveyer Allee in Höxter on May 9th due to being intoxicated.

May 10, 2024
1 min read
NewsRegionalNorth Rhine-WestphaliaAccidentsPoliceKI-OTS
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Höxter is a location. - A 29-year-old man drives his vehicle into a tree after being intoxicated.

A 29-year-old man driving a gray Opel headed toward Lüchtringen around 5 a.m. failed to turn left at a curve and kept going instead. He crashed into multiple traffic signs before his car eventually stopped against a tree, causing him minor injuries.

Upon examining the situation, officers smelled alcohol on the driver. A breathalyzer test confirmed their suspicions, leading to a blood sample being taken and the driver's license being seized. The driver is now dealing with potential legal charges.

The Höxter police strongly advise: If you've consumed alcoholic drinks, avoid driving. Alcohol severely impacts your ability to drive safely and puts you and others on the road at risk.

This text was produced using AI and information provided by authorities. [#EIN_HILFESCHALLE: FALLY_FORWARD]

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