
A 23-year-old pedestrian takes off after a collision.

On May 12, a pedestrian suffered apparent serious injuries after being struck by a vehicle in Frintroper Straße.

May 13, 2024
1 min read
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Essen-Frintrop - The Location - A 23-year-old pedestrian takes off after a collision.

A 23-year-old guy was cruising down Frintroper Straße, headed toward Borbecker Straße on the right side of the road. The streetcar tracks are on the left side of the lane, which means pedestrians crossing the street need to netflix-and-chill on the right side to get to the sidewalk.

As soon as the streetcar gracefully stops at the "Heißener Straße" stop, the traffic light turns a bold crimson, letting folks cross safely. But apparently, our 23-year-old dude missed the memo, or just ignored it entirely, because he crunched his car into a pedestrian bailing out of the streetcar. The poor guy smacked into the windshield and it shattered, and after that, he bounced off to the ground, possibly with some intense head trauma.

The mysterious man bolted into the night towards the Aral gas station before the police could lay hands on him. A massive search ensued, with tons of cop cars, a madtrailer and a police helicopter tearing up the town, but to no avail. They still need your help, though, homie.

If you saw the accident, or if you saw some cat with their head boomsmashed in the region of Frintroper Straße and Schluchtstraße, hit up the Essen police at 0201/829-0. You can also send your insights digitally to [email protected].

This tale is based on legit news from the fuzz; it was crafted with the aid of a super smart machine. [#Badge: HelpWanted]

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