
A 23-year-old man infiltrates a daycare facility and a senior living residence.

A man aged 23 from Somalia has been temporarily detained following a burglary at a day care facility and is thought to have been involved in numerous robberies at a retirement home in Harburg.

May 23, 2024
1 min read
NewsTheftCrimePoliceHamburg regional newsKI-OTSHamburg
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Harburg: Local News Update - A 23-year-old man infiltrates a daycare facility and a senior living residence.

On May 20, 2024, around 11:10 p.m., an employee at a daycare center noticed an odd person loitering near the side entrance through their surveillance system and alerted the police. Officers arrived on the scene and found an open window and lights inside the building. The young suspect, aged 23, came out of the building and was apprehended by the officers, who then arrested him temporarily. They also discovered suspected stolen goods belonging to the center on him.

Upon further investigation, officers from the Harburg region's burglary squad (LKA 182) discovered that the suspect was linked to several break-ins, including one at a retirement home in the area. Allegedly, the young man had visited at least four rooms of a ward housing dementia patients during a period between April 25 and May 6, 2024, and had stolen cash, jewelry, and other valuable items. Once the police investigation concluded, a judge issued an arrest warrant for the 23-year-old.

The LKA 182's investigation continues to determine if the young man is involved in more criminal activities.

This text was generated using AI technology and is based on official information provided by the authorities.

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