
A 23-year-old Afghan was apprehended with 41 offenses.

In 2021, a 23-year-old Afghan individual received a one-year prison term from the Berlin Tiergarten District Court following a conviction of participating in a robbery and inflicting serious bodily harm.

May 28, 2024
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Aachen: Transaction Underway to Purchase Assets from Acquiring Company - A 23-year-old Afghan was apprehended with 41 offenses.

Federal police caught a young man from Afghanistan on a bus crossing the border between Netherlands and Germany in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. The young man had made his way into Germany back in 2016 and has since collected quite a criminal record with 41 offenses under his belt. His crimes range from drug trafficking and causing harm to resisting execution officers. As he was still a minor when he committed the earlier offenses, he was sentenced under juvenile justice law.

Once all necessary actions were taken, he was taken to Heinsberg Justice Detention Center.

This text is derived from an official government statement, using AI assistance.

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