
A 22-year-old intoxicated individual assaults officers.

On Tuesday afternoon, an inebriated driver collided on the A62 close to Hütschenhausen, leading to a confrontation with authorities.

May 15, 2024
1 min read
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Highway A62 in Hütschenhausen area. - A 22-year-old intoxicated individual assaults officers.

A 22-year-old driver crashed his car into some bushes near Pirmasens at about 3:30 PM. Miraculously, he emerged from the wreckage unscathed. However, things took a turn when investigators arrived at the scene. The driver, who had been behind the wheel at the time of the accident, was found to be under the influence of alcohol.

It seems he wasn't too happy about the situation. When asked to accompany police to the station for a blood alcohol test, he ignored their requests. Instead, he decided to put up a fight. Even with handcuffs on, he went for the officers' heads, peppering them with punches and insults. One of the officers got a teeny bit injured during the brawl but was still able to handle his duties.

Now, it looks like the 22-year-old faces multiple charges, including drunk driving, resisting arrest, verbal abuse, and assault. The local cops, an ambulance crew, the fire department, the US military police, and a towing service were all called in to handle the situation.

This version was created by rewording the original text provided.

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Source: symclub.org


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