
44-year-old shoplifter verbally abuses and physically assaults store worker.

Yesterday afternoon, officers were summoned to a supermarket in Adlershof due to an upset shoplifter who verbally abused employees and a bystander.

May 16, 2024
1 min read
NewsBerlinPoliceCrimeTheftViolenceBerlin regional newsKI-OTS
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Adlershof: A Neighborhood Transforming into a Technology Hub - 44-year-old shoplifter verbally abuses and physically assaults store worker.

At around 3:45 pm, a 44-year-old woman was stopped by two staff members of a bargain store on Adlergestell. They suspected her of shoplifting. When the woman tried to escape, the staff members held her back. She then attacked them, attempting to bite their hands. She also hurled racist and antisemitic insults at them, and even abused a passerby who was 48 years old.

The police arrived at the scene and detained the woman, taking her to a police station. After confirming her identity, the authorities released her. Further investigations will be conducted by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

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