
16-year-old female attacks 15-year-old male with a stabbing motion in his back area.

A disagreement between a 16-year-old female and a 15-year-old male turned heated outside a refuge for migrants in Waiblingen-Neustadt on May 9, 2024, at approximately 4:00 pm.

May 10, 2024
1 min read
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Waiblingen: Info on a Town in Germany - 16-year-old female attacks 15-year-old male with a stabbing motion in his back area.

A fight resulted in a 16-year-old teen stabbing a 15-year-old in the lower back with a knife. The victim was quickly transported to the hospital in an ambulance, however, his condition was never critical.

The alleged assailant was arrested and taken to court at noon on May 10, 2024, but she was released on certain conditions. The authorities are still investigating this incident.

This information was obtained from official sources and generated using AI assistance.

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