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Düsseldorf's Merkur Spiel-Arena embroiled in controversy.

Düsseldorf's recently acquired sports partner Gauselmann has given the Fortuna stadium a Merkur makeover, angering city officials, yet adhering to legal measures.

Major Formula 1 Racing Deal Tops $100 Million in Sports Bets

The top racing series globally is making a comeback in the sports betting industry, which has been banned for about 40 years.

Researchers Identify Brain Region Related to Gambler's Illusion.

Research on both healthy and impaired brains has uncovered that the insula could hold the key to decoding issue gambling and the gambler's fallacy.

Delaware Sees Record-Breaking Online Gaming Income

In March, Delaware experienced a 24% rise in online gambling earnings, and total wagers made by players nearly doubled compared to the previous month.

The Premier 10 Wealthiest Tennis Competitors in History

Uncover the wealthiest tennis players in history, determined by their profession-earned income, commercial endorsements, and other ventures.


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